How long does plastic surgery last

How long does plastic surgery last? All you need to know!

Your entire appearance can be changed and refreshed through cosmetic surgery. In fact, “how long does plastic surgery last?” is one of the most asked questions. A few things can affect how long your plastic surgery results. Learn about these issues in this article, how to deal, and what to do if your plastic surgery results fade over time.

How long does plastic surgery last for the face?

Although non-invasive injectables (like fillers and Botox), laser treatments, and cryoskin facial are famous for their little discomfort and recovery time, going under the knife occasionally requires a more pronounced and long-lasting repair. Yet, no surgical operation can stop the symptoms of aging from occurring in the future, which is why very few cosmetic and face surgery techniques guarantee eternal youth.

Rhytidectomy or facelift

A surgical facelift is the gold standard of facial rejuvenation, the most effective and dramatic lifting and firming method on the market. Although it treats facial drooping and volume loss like few other treatments do. A rhytidectomy should only be anticipated to last, on average, 10 years or so as the skin and face continue to age naturally.

Lower Rhytidectomy or neck lift

Due to the natural aging process, a neck lift has a similar 10-year lifetime to a facelift. During the surgery, incisions are performed along the hairline and ear to remove extra skin and fat. A lower rhytidectomy produces a more defined neck and jawline and reduces jowls.

Blepharoplasty or Eyelid surgery

With surgery known as blepharoplasty, the appearance of the eyelids is improved by removing extra skin and fat deposits from the orbital region. It can be carried out on either the upper or lower eyelid. Depending on why it is done, it may be categorized as either an aesthetic surgery or a plastic and reconstructive treatment. 

  1. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty: As the face and eye area continue to age, the effects of upper eyelid surgery typically endure about 10 years, after which a second procedure may be required.
  2. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: Unlike its upper eyelid cousin, a lower eyelid surgery typically has permanent results, necessitating the occasional follow-up treatment.

For patients, for example, whose sagging eyelids impair their vision, the surgery would be regarded as medically necessary and, as a result, be paid for by insurance. Meanwhile, the procedure is likely to be considered elective for patients who want to rejuvenate the eye area for cosmetic reasons. The outcomes are usually the same either way.

Nose job or rhinoplasty

How long does plastic surgery last - before
Rhinoplasty – Before
How long does plastic surgery last
Rhinoplasty – After

A nose job might be “functional” or “cosmetic,” similar to blepharoplasty. Both require a lot of patience during the healing process, but it was worth the wait. A rhinoplasty is one of the rarest surgical procedures that have results for a lifetime.

Browplasty or Brow lift

Lifting brows to a youthful posture during a browplasty, brow lift, or forehead lift diminishes creases and wrinkles, sagging skin, and hooded eyelids. An endoscope is used during endoscopic browlift to manipulate muscle and tissue beneath the skin through tiny incisions. The effects of a browplasty are temporary due to aging.

How long does plastic surgery last for the body?

Similar to the face, invasive and surgical procedures for the body often take longer to complete than non-invasive procedures for the same issues. Although many body procedures provide long-lasting benefits, this longevity is frequently constrained by the requirement to maintain a healthy weight or way of life.


Liposuction is frequently done with other procedures or as part of a more extensive operation (such as a tummy tuck). Still, no matter how it is used, it eliminates fat permanently. 

Lipo cannot prevent future weight gain. It can last up to a lifetime with a healthy lifestyle. Thus, maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle is necessary to benefit from it.

Breast Surgery

There are three primary forms of breast surgery — augmentation, reduction, and lift — and each technique has its distinct level of permanence:

  • Mastopexy or breast lift

A breast lift enhances the projection and shape of the breast by removing extra skin and tightening the surrounding tissue, in contrast to a breast augmentation that deals with the size of the chest. Sagging can develop over time as a result of age and weight fluctuations.

  • Reduction Mammaplasty or breast reduction

A breast reduction removes extra skin and fat to relieve pain or discomfort from large breasts. The removal procedure is permanent; however, patients must keep their weight stable.

  • Augmentation Mammaplasty or breast augmentation

While there are various breast augmentation methods, breast implants must be replaced every eight to ten years to maintain safety.

Brazilian Butt lift

A Brazilian Butt Lift involves moving fat from one body area to the buttocks for better shape and contour. As it is an autologous transfer, there is no worry of rejection. However, part of the fat is anticipated to be reabsorbed by the body. Typically, 60 to 70 percent of transplanted fat survives and produces long-lasting effects.

Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck 

A tummy tuck is a comprehensive cosmetic operation that contours the abdomen by removing extra skin and fat and regaining muscle definition. Although removing excess skin and fat is permanent, lifestyle choices (such as weight fluctuations) might affect the duration and effectiveness of the outcomes.

How to maintain your results longer?

You must ensure that plastic surgery results last as long as possible because their longevity is not guaranteed. You must stop new aging symptoms from developing too soon to prolong your results. With a few straightforward procedures, this is possible.

  • Adopt a balanced diet.
  • Use sunscreen daily (a broad-spectrum SPF-30 is usually sufficient).
  • Avoid the most intense solar hours (between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.).
  • Water up your skin (apply moisturizers and lotions and drink water).
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Non-surgical injectable treatments, chemical peels, facials, and laser resurfacing should be done after your surgical procedures.


As you can tell, various factors affect how long does plastic surgery last. In rare circumstances, operations can be completed in one visit if a healthy lifestyle is maintained. In some cases, the aging process may necessitate later therapies. Before surgery, speaking with a board-certified plastic surgeon can help you level set your expectations and ensure the best outcomes for your problem.

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