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Swelling Under Chin After Neck Lift: No More Secrets

For many of our patients, a neck lift is one of the most successful rejuvenation operations. But how long does it take to recuperate from a neck lift? Will there be a lot of pain and discomfort? Can we have swelling under chin after neck lift? We will be addressing all these issues, so continue reading!

Neck lift

Before and after Neck lift

Although a neck lift is not particularly invasive in and of itself, the aesthetic results can be incredibly striking. In particular, when paired with a facelift, neck liposuction, or dermal fillers, it can turn back the hands of time regarding how you look. Combining a neck lift with additional operations can be a potent strategy to fight aging symptoms and provide a youthful appearance. To read about neck lift after weight loss, consider reading.

Common symptoms after a neck lift:

  1. Pain: 

Pain following neck lift surgery is manageable with common medicines because it is not too severe.

  1. Swelling: 

Although swelling might last several months following a neck lift, the bulk of it should go away by week four of recovery.

  1. Bruising:

Your chin, jaw, and neck may all have bruising.

  1. Numbness:

Following a neck lift, numbness is common. It is transient and ought to disappear after a few weeks.

  1. Tightness: 

Your neck has a lot of mobility, so after a neck lift, it could feel constricting. This results from removing extra skin and tightening the remaining skin. After a neck lift, the neck tension may last up to two months. You may feel it the most when you tilt your head to the sides.

These side effects are to be anticipated following your neck lift and are not a cause for concern. Please see your doctor if you experience fever, slow wound healing, or other unusual symptoms.

Is swelling under chin after neck lift usual?

Because of how the body responds after surgery, swelling is frequently a side effect. Fortunately, swelling following neck lift surgery usually only affects the lower portion of the face, the jawline, and the area beneath the chin.

For the first two weeks following surgery, sleeping with a few pillows helps pull the water away from the face and the surgical site and speeds up the healing process.

After surgery, a low-sodium diet can also be beneficial by lowering the body’s tendency to retain water.

Tips to minimize swelling and other complications

Following your neck lift, we’ve compiled a list of tried-and-true recommendations and practices to aid in your quicker recovery and more efficient removal of swelling and bruising:

  1. Be prepared.

The most unpleasant time following neck surgery or a platysmaplasty is frequently the first day. You will need all the assistance you can get to maintain the greatest comfort level since your neck can feel painful and tight.

After surgery, having a friend or family member assist you might speed up your recovery. After a neck lift, having assistance with transportation, food preparation, and difficult everyday chores might speed up your recovery.

A neck lift recovery period is improved with advanced home preparation. Make a resting area so your head and neck are as comfortable as possible.

  1. Put on a chin strap.

After your neck lift, your doctor will give you a chin strap to wear; it minimizes swelling and minimizes needless movement. Wear this continuously for around two weeks following surgery, but take it off when eating, showering, or cleaning your wound.

A chin strap helping with a neck lift
  1. Maintain An Elevated Position

Sleeping on your back with your head up is a terrific way to speed healing from a neck lift. That’s all there is to it.

Keeping your head up is the best way to increase circulation and minimize swelling following surgery. Your neck will experience the slightest strain in this posture, allowing you to recover most quickly.

Girl Sleeping in an Elevated Position
  1. Use an ice pack.

Using ice packs after a neck lift helps hasten your recovery. Applying an ice pack to the affected area will help to minimize neck lift swelling, bruising, and discomfort.

Do not put ice on your neck directly. Your neck’s skin is fragile and uncomfortable after a neck lift. When you apply ice straight to your skin, your blood flow is disrupted, which may hurt and create pain.

  1. Avoid Exhausting Exercise

During the initial weeks of your neck lift recovery, we advise avoiding intense activities and intensive workouts. The most straightforward technique to hasten healing after a neck lift is to rest.

Any bending, twisting, or sudden movement might hurt the region that has just had surgery and impede a quick recovery. Light jogging is preferable if you wish to maintain your level of physical activity.

  1. Avoid the hot showers.

Avoiding hot showers is one of the most excellent strategies to hasten your recovery following a neck lift. While a lengthy, steamy shower might be soothing, hot water and steam can irritate or even infect the incision site.

Keep the incision site as dry as possible for the first 48 hours following surgery to help your wounds heal more quickly. After your neck lift, you may want to take a sponge wash in warm water. You may gradually reintroduce showers into your regimen after a week. 

Tips for showering after neck lift 

You can benefit from the following advice while going into the shower for a better neck lift recovery and quicker healing:

  • Select a mild shower setting.
  • Shorten your showers and use lukewarm water
  • When drying off, use gentle patting movements.
  1. Opt for loose and comfortable clothes.

Generally speaking, physicians advise against wearing pull-over shirts during the first several weeks following a neck lift. Instead, choose loose, comfy clothing that won’t bother your neck.

Avoid anything that needs a lot of manipulation and stretching if it is too tight. Your neck lift recovery time will be accelerated the more delicately you treat your incisions.

  1. Stay out of the sun.

Avoid excessive sun exposure to your neck for the first two weeks following your neck lift to reduce the chance of problems. 

  • Sunlight’s heat and ultraviolet (UV) rays might worsen bleeding risks by encouraging inflammation at the site of the wound. 
  • UV radiation can also change the pigmentation around any scars, emphasizing them.

Tips to avoid sun after a neck lift

Here are some quick ideas to stay out of the sun and recover after a neck lift more quickly:

  • Wear a safari hat to protect your incisions.
  • Use breathable, silky scarves.
  • When outdoors, choose shaded areas to sit.
  • After two to three weeks, when your incisions have fully healed, use sunscreen with at least SPF 30.
Girl exposing her neck
  1. Keep Up a Healthful Lifestyle

It may be tiring to have surgery, including neck lift surgery. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for quicker healing following your neck lift.

Consume a healthy diet to replenish your energy and provide your body the nutrition it needs to hasten the recovery process following your neck lift.

We highly advise against using any nicotine-containing products, including alcohol or cigarettes. These can interfere with your ability to recover and reduce your immunity, leaving you more vulnerable to illness.

  1. Pay attention to your body.

Paying attention to your body is one of the simplest methods to improve neck lift recovery. Your recovery takes time, so going at your own pace is usually better.

Resuming exercise and regular workout routine.

Before your body is prepared, resuming work, exercise, and other regular activities might hinder the recovery process after a neck lift and make it take longer. If you feel prepared, begin with a low-intensity workout and gradually increase it. You may maintain your physical activity and hasten your healing in this way.

Take a few days off from work.

After a neck lift, taking time off work is essential for optimal healing and rehabilitation.

  1. Stay Optimistic

The greatest advice for a quicker recovery from a neck lift is to have an optimistic attitude and the appropriate mindset. Worrying about your neck lift and the necessary post-operative maintenance is expected.

Keeping it in mind can help your neck lift recovery period go by more quickly, and before you know it, you’ll be completely recovered.


Remembering that every patient will heal from a neck lift differently is vital. Knowing your side may help you overcome anxiety, develop patience, and create realistic expectations. Before opting to proceed with the operation, we strongly advise all patients to discuss post-surgical recovery and aftercare with their physician thoroughly. 

It would help if you remembered that swelling under chin after neck lift is an expected side effect. However, if the swelling persists and causes discomfort, we strongly recommend to consult your doctor.  If you have had a face lift and want to know more about swelling under chin after facelift, you can continue here.

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